Having a big belly is a sign of poor health. According to WebMD “belly fat”, as it’s called, increases your risk for early death, even if you’re at what’s considered “normal weight”.
Fat in this area is linked to inflammation, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. The bottom line is if your belly measurement is above 40 inches for men, and 34 inches for women, that’s considered obesity.
Todd Lamb was a 17 year veteran police officer and a SWAT Team Leader with over 350 completed missions. He was also a dog handler for 7 years, as well as being a member of the Police Dive Unit. He has many other qualifications including being an Active Shooter Instructor, a Hostage Rescue Tactics Instructor, a Parachutist, and a SCUBA and Police Diving Instructor, among others.
His wife had also been a police officer. She was very athletic, fit, and in great shape. However, she apparently was involved in a bad accident in her squad car. Due to back injuries she wasn’t able to work out and be as active as she once was. She started gaining a lot of weight.
Todd was extremely frustrated because his wife was basically helpless to lose weight because of her condition. One night on a SWAT mission Todd got the strange idea to use the ingredient in Pepper Spray (oleoresin capiscum – capsaicin) to help her lose weight – it’s used to make one of the teas in the system.
Highlights and Main Points of This System:
The Flat Belly Fix starts out with just 7 minutes a day of core toning exercises to flatten your midsection.
There’s also a guide showing you how to manage your hormones and consume foods which aid in weight loss. You have a special tea for breakfast. Lunch and dinner will be the meals suggested in the program.
You then follow a 21 day system which focuses on leptin sensitivity, your hunger, appetite, and other important factors. You control your hormones so you can control your weight, and this system will give you the tools to do that.
Here’s a list of chapters inside the 21-Day System:
1 – Quick Start
2 – The BIG Reason
3 – Rationale
• Hunger and Appetite
• The Energy System Shift
4 – The Secret FBF Tea
5 – Benefits of Turmeric for Women
6 – Benefits of Turmeric for Men
• How Much Per Day
7 – The Benefits of Chai Tea
8 – The Benefits of Green Tea
9 – Grass Fed Butter
10 – Cinnamon
11 – Leptin Sensitivity
• What is Leptin
• Leptin and Weight Loss
• Mastering Your Leptin Levels
• Leptin, Exercise, Carbohydrates and Fats
• Leptin and Interval Meals
12 – Insulin Sensitive and Resistance
• What is Insulin?
• How to Improve your Insulin Sensitivity
• How to Improve your Insulin Sensitivity Through Diet
13 – Medium Chain Triglycerides
• MCTS for Reducing Fat Storage
• Coconut Milk
• MCT Oil
14 – Lactobacillus L. Reuteri
15 – Gender Specific Benefits for Women
16 – Gender Specific Benefits for Men
17 – The Protocol
18 – Meal Timings and Composition
19 – Visual References
20 – Food List
21 – Questions and Answers
Are There Any Drawbacks To This?
You have to follow the system to the letter to get the amazing results you see in testimonials. Most people either don’t read books or courses they buy, or they just skim through them without following the recommended plan.
Weight loss is a slow process, so you have to be consistent and patient. If you want good results you need to follow the exact diet and supplement strategies outlined in the system. You should be willing to follow through and stay the course for at least 30 to 60 days.
Is This Worth Buying?
Yes. In addition to all the credentials mentioned above, Todd Lamb happens to be a Best Selling Author of multiple best selling fitness programs, so he knows what he’s talking about.
This program has sold thousands of copies and has multiple success stories. There’s a 60-Day Money Back guarantee, so you’re not risking anything by trying the program.
This also comes with 3 Bonuses, or as Todd likes to call them “Very Special Presents”:
1 – 7 Minutes To A Slim Belly System
Todd teaches you “secret” methods learned in 17 years on the police force that help elite law enforcement officers stay slim, strong and ready for action. Just 7 minutes are required, 4 or 5 times a week. You don’t do “sit ups” – just gentle and simple movements.
2 – Flat Belly Fix “Done For You” fat burning smoothie recipes
15 smoothie recipes – quick, easy, delicious fat-burning recipes. A shopping list is provided for the items, which are inexpensive. Just throw the items in the blender and you’ll be eating healthy.
3 – Flat Belly Fix Elite Personal Coaching
You get ONE FULL MONTH of personal coaching with Todd and his staff. As soon as you finish your enrollment you’re instantly added to his closed Facebook group where you can ask any questions you want. You can network and bond with other people going on the exact same journey, and get the motivation you need to stick with the program and get the amazing results promised.