There are many health benefits of drinking green tea, which we outline below. However, first and foremost, it’s very important to pick Organic Green Tea. If you’ve ever grown your own vegetables, you know how much better they taste than store bought.
The same is true for green tea. Whether you grow your own or buy from a farmer, make sure the tea isn’t grown on land that has been used for other crops. That way the land still has lots of nutrients that will get into the tea plant. All the benefits you get from the tea will be enhanced.
Chemicals and Pesticides
Another advantage of organic tea is that on many non-organic farms the plants are sprayed with chemicals. This is to make them grow faster and stop pests. Chemicals are also sprayed on the crops to kill the weeds that surround the tea plants.
However, traces of the chemicals stay on the tea that you put in your cup. With other vegetables like broccoli, you can wash off the pesticides and chemicals. You can’t do that with green tea. So, there’s really no way of stopping the chemicals from getting into your body.
Controlling Inflammation
The chemicals in non-organic green tea can also inflammation. By contrast, organic green tea has antioxidants. A basic example of inflammation is when you get a cut or bruise your skin gets red and sore (inflamed). Inflammation also happens inside your body where you can’t see it.
Scientists says that this inflammation is the cause of many diseases. So, this “soreness” will take place inside your body from the chemicals and pesticide used on non-organic crops. This means you’ll get sicker more easily, and not by able to fight off diseases and germs as well.
One of the reasons you drink organic green tea is to lower the inflammation and your chances of getting disease. So, it seems kind of foolish to drink non-organic tea that’s going to have the opposite effect.
Weight Loss
Green tea helps with weight loss by increasing your metabolism, so you can burn fat. However, the pest-killing chemicals in non-organic green tea affect your bodies hormones. If your hormones aren’t working properly, you’re not going to lose weight.
Or you might actually gain weight. The pesticides in non-organic green tea mostly affect the hormones that control your appetite. Of course, you know that appetite is a huge part of losing weight.
Green Tea Health Benefits Outlined
• It Could Help You to Burn Fat
Some studies show that green tea may improve how the body breaks down fat, especially during aerobic or resistance exercise.
• It Contains Antioxidants
Green tea contains Polyphenols which can act as antioxidants. They help prevent cell damage.
• May Lower Your Cholesterol
According to the CDC, about 10% of adults have high total cholesterol levels. Green tea helps lower LDL (bad) and total cholesterol. Having high cholesterol levels raises the risk of heart attack and stroke.
• May Help with Weight Loss
The antioxidants mentioned above help break down fat. Since they increase your metabolic rate, they also help you burn more calories while exercising.
• May Lower Anxiety and Stress
Green tea contains an amino acid (L-theanine) which lowers anxiety and stress, and helps you relax. Green tea has more L-theanine than regular black tea.
• May Improve Your Bone Health
The antioxidants in green tea may protect against bone mass loss by enhancing bone formation. Green tea may also lower your risk of osteoporosis, which is a bone disease that makes you more susceptible to wrist, hip, and spine fractures.
• May Improve Cognitive Function
Drinking green tea may help prevent Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.
• It May Help Improve Your Memory
The L-theanine mentioned above, may improve your memory, according to studies.
• It Might Lower Your Risk for Strokes
It’s been found that consuming moderate amounts of green tea may reduce your risk for stroke, which is one of the leading causes of death.
• It May Help Manage Type 2 Diabetess
Some of the evidence shows that your insulin resistance may be reduced by the antioxidants in green tea. You need insulin to convert sugar into energy and insulin resistance is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes.
• It May Reduce Blood Pressure
The high antioxidants in green tea may lower you blood pressure, especially if you’re at a high risk of heart disease. High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of heart disease and stroke. The antioxidants in green tea decrease the inflammation that comes with high blood pressure, so your blood vessels can become more dilated, giving you better blood flow.
• It My Help Prevent Heart Disease
Studies suggest that drinking green tea lowers risk factors for heart disease, such as fats and high blood pressure.
• It Might Reduce the Risk of Some Cancers
More research is needed, but studies suggest drinking green tea may reduce the risk of some cancers, such as ovarian and lung cancer.
Be Happier with Organic Green Tea
We saved the best item for last. According to the National Library of Medicine, three ingredients in green tea (caffeine, L-theanine, and EGCG) “repeatedly demonstrated benefits on mood and cognitive performance”.
So, in other words, it helps keep us happy! Again, remember that the pesticides in non-organic tea will have the opposite effect and can cause anxiety and low mood. If you’re drinking tea to feel better and healthier, it makes a lot of sense to drink it as pure as possible. So, take a break from what you’re doing and have a cup of organic green tea.