Everyone would probably agree that the world today is very unpredictable. Many don’t have much faith in the governments (whether they be US or foreign) to protect us from war, cyberattacks, and other dangers.
For some time we have been living with a pandemic caused by a virus that may or may not have been released intentionally. So, what could be the next event that will happen?
What about an EMP attack? This is a large burst of electromagnetic energy. These can occur naturally such as from solar flares, where the sun shoots out lots of plasma. Normally Earth’s magnetic field can deflect these. An EMP attack could also come from a nuclear weapon detonated high in the atmosphere.
If you don’t take this seriously, consider the fact that there are many countries that have the capability of producing and detonating an EMP weapon, including China, Russia, North Korea, and possibly Pakistan and Iran.
Russian president Vladimir V. Putin said he has an “invincible” intercontinental cruise missile and a nuclear torpedo that could outsmart all US defenses.
What Happens After an EMT Attack?
Stanford University says that electrical systems could be permanently damaged from currents which range into thousands of amperes.
Only one nuclear burst 250 miles above whatever target area was chosen, could destabilize large portions of the power grid.
Unprotected systems that control energy, transportation, and even agriculture, could be disrupted, or destroyed. So, it could mean no electricity, water, internet , etc., and millions of people would be affected. It could also take many years to recover from such an event.
What is “Alive After The Fall”?
It’s an eBook that’s been a bestseller for years and continues to be updated. It shows you how to survive an EMT attack, including:
• How to prevent your food and medicine from spoiling with no power available for your fridge. Also keep in mind that if you’ve got unspoiled food, you’ll have some powerful trading/bartering items.
• What the 7 MUST HAVE medical supplies are that will get you through any disaster. You’ll learn how much of each to store, and where to store them.
• You’ll be shown how to build a “Faraday Cage”. Trying to do the research and build your own (or have one built) could cost you thousands, but this ebook will show you how to build one inexpensively, with items and parts you already have around your home. You can also purchase a Faraday Duffel Bag shown here, which will shield smaller electronic items such as cell phones, laptops, tablets, medical equipment, etc.
• Learn the 5 vital items you need to keep things functioning after an EMP attack, so you have heat and running water.
• Learn how to stay safe and hidden from desperate and violent people who are in a panic, and from attackers and looters.
• How to make sure your car will still run, in case you need to travel to a safer or more secure area.
Are There Any Drawbacks To This?
The sales page has a video which goes into a lot of detail, showing that an EMT attack is predicted in the Bible. Even if you don’t care about the Bible or prophecy, the video is very interesting. There’s also an option to read a script of the story, if you don’t want to watch.
The mention of Bible prophecy doesn’t detract from the value of “Alive After the Fall” in any way. Some of the Bible prophecy events mentioned in the video have already come true. For doubters, no one wants to believe that there will be large scale famine, plagues (pestilence, disease) and death, as mentioned in Revelation 6:8 and Revelation 18:8. However, who could have imagined something like Covid 19 disrupting the entire world, and causing huge amounts of death and sickness.
Is This Worth Buying?
Yes, especially if you consider yourself a “Prepper” or a survivalist. Even if an EMT attack never happens, it’s better to know what to do to prepare. This ebook is easy to read with a nice conversational tone, and gives clear instructions.
We can’t rely on the government to prepare us. Just look at the failed, botched pull out in Afghanistan. You’ve got to take action and be ready when others are panicking and scared to death.
Aside from the EMT attack information, there are also some crucial survival skills and techniques taught.
There have already been thousands of satisfied customers, and the product is covered by a full 60-day money back guarantee.
Also included are 2 FREE Bonus Guides:
1 – “Survival Mindset After The Fall”
Many people don’t take this seriously, but preparing your mind to survive an EMT attack is crucial. It’s been proven that most people will panic in a disaster situation. Look at how they were forming lines at gas stations, getting into fights, and hoarding gas when they only thought there would be a gas shortage. Look at how people rushed to stores at the first news of Covid 19, and bought everything, including toilet paper!
Conditions after an EMT attack will be worse. People will be losing their minds and falling apart mentally. This guide will show you how to avoid this panic and mentally survive the anxiety, isolation, and hopelessness. It will keep you disciplined, confident, and thinking positive, so you can lead your family, and even others who might be crumbling under the stress.
2 – “Secrets to Sanitization After The Fall”
Sanitization is a LOT more important than most people realize – 65% of deaths following an EMT disaster will come from disease generating bacteria and microbes, because people don’t know proper sanitization methods in the wild – basic hygiene, properly disposing of waste, garbage, etc.
Get “Alive After the Fall” Now