The Cinderella Solution is a weight loss system for women. Millions of women around the world continually struggle to lose excess pounds.
Most weight loss programs and diets are too restrictive and technical. You have to plan all your meals, weigh food, count calories, etc. Many women don’t have the time or the wherewithal to follow these systems.
The diets they try to follow might work for a little while, but require too much effort to maintain, and many will just give up or wander off track.
Many women try weight loss supplements, or some may try the latest exercise craze or fitness gadget. They may achieve some results, but then they bounce back to their old weight. Maintaining their weight loss seems to be the trickiest part.
The Cinderella Solution is based on a flavor pairing strategy. This is a Japanese philosophy called Shokuiku, which encourages healthy eating habits.
Shokuiku means “food education” in Japanese. According to Wikipedia, it was started by a famous military doctor who pioneered the macrobiotic diet.
In the 1950’s and 1960’s fast food started becoming really popular, especially in the United States, with the advent of McDonald’s and other restaurants.
The Japanese government became very concerned about changes that were taking place. Children were skipping breakfast. They were buying meals at fast food restaurants and even convenience stores, instead of eating with their parents.
So, by 2005 they had instituted the Basic Law of Shokuiku. Then in 2008 they established the School Health Law. Universities set up programs to teach Shokuiku in public schools, and through this academic study they started monitoring the effectiveness of Shokuiku.
Every woman goes through hormonal changes from puberty to menopause. These changes make it harder and harder for women to maintain an ideal weight or lose weight, despite their best efforts.
Many women may just want to go down one or two dress sizes, or to look more toned. They don’t want flabby arms, they want firm ones.
They are also busy with work and family commitments. Most are probably sick of “diets” and don’t relish the thought hiring a personal trainer and spending hours in the gym to lose weight.
The Cinderella Solution has grown in popularity over the last couple years and become a bestseller. It’s received rave reviews and thousands of copies have been sold.
It teaches you how to lose weight and maintain your ideal body weight without the rebounds that come from other diet plans.
You learn what food combinations to eat together to burn fat naturally. This makes your “dieting” tastier and more enjoyable than just “counting calories”.
Highlights and Main Points of This System:
• The creator, Carly Donovan, is just a busy mom who struggled with weight loss. She’s not an athlete or Crossfitter. She just found what worked through trial and error. So this system is just Carly telling you what she did to lose the weight. What worked for her seems to be working for most women like her.
• Chapter One has an overview of the system, what the program is about, and what you need to do. It’s based on a “flavor pairing” method. Instead of having to worry about “calorie counting”, your focus is more on food and meal timings. In fact, eighty percent of your weight loss success will depend on what and when you eat.
• Chapter Two teaches about coupling your food choices, nutrition timing, flavor pairing (mentioned above), and exercises to slim you down. All this might appear complicated, but they’re simple practices and are easily adopted.
• Chapter Three outlines the 2 phases of the program. They both last 14 days. Phase 1 is the “Ignite” phase. In the Ignite phase you eat 3 meals daily. In the “Launch” phase you eat 4 meals daily. You can repeat these phases until you achieve you ideal body weight.
• Both phases have 14 different meal plans. You also get calendars, and even bonus recipes. You’ll have everything you need to track your progress. The system is designed to be easy to follow, without being too restrictive.
• The Cinderella Solution focuses on how your body stores fat, controlling this fat storage, and eliminating existing stubborn fat stores. This approach insures that you lose the weight you currently have, and makes you less likely to gain the weight back.
• This is a weight loss program created by a woman for women. See several success stories here – women who tried the Cinderella Solution and are benefitting from it.
• This product consists of a 93 Page Main Manual, a Quick Start Guide, and a “Cinderella Accelerator Package” (includes an Advanced Fat-Loss Master Plan and an Accelerator Movement Sequencing Book – short 8-minute at home workouts for women who want to lose weight even faster).
Are There Any Drawbacks?
• Weight loss is a slow process. So allow yourself 30 days to see some results, and 60 to 90 days to achieve your ideal look.
• You need to be consistent. This isn’t a magic pill. You need to stick to it and apply the system continuously to see positive results.
• Although this system isn’t overly restrictive, certain foods will have to be avoided.
• This is a “women only” product. Don’t let your husband or boyfriend lead you astray with what they’re eating!
Is This Worth Buying?
Yes, you should definitely get this if you’re a busy mom and/or a career woman who wants to shed stubborn ponds and drop one or two dress sizes.
This program is designed for average women who want to lose weight and get healthier. Most women will fall into this category and will benefit from this.
However, if you’re already athletic, trying to get washboard abs, or look like a fitness model, you probably need a more “hardcore” and demanding course.
Only a small percentage of women actually want this type of chiseled body. Most just want to lose some fat without starving and doing sweating, grueling workouts.
If you’re one of those average women, and are willing to follow a consistent plan, The Cinderella Solution is for you. This system has a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, and in fact, there are very few returns.
Get “The Cinderella Solution” Now