The Female Fat Burning Hormone
Is there such a hormone? Is there a holy grail of female fat loss – a hormone that works specifically for female fat loss?
According to the U.S. Department of Health, there are a lot of health risks associated with being overweight or “obese”, such as:
Type 2 Diabetes
High Blood Pressure
Heart Disease
Sleep Apnea – This basically means you may stop breathing or not breathe regularly for short periods of time while sleeping. The experts say this raises your risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, etc.
Metabolic Syndrome – many people aren’t familiar with this one. It just means a lot of conditions that put you at risk for things already mentioned on this page, along with too much fat in your waist area, low levels of the “good” cholesterol, and high triglyceride (a type of fat) levels.
Fatty liver Disease – this is a buildup of fat on your liver that’s not from alcoholism.
Gallbladder Disease
Some Cancers
Kidney Disease
Pregnancy Problems
Why Weight Loss is So Frustrating For Women
Besides the issues above there are other factors that make it harder for women to lose weight. In general, women aren’t as lean as men. So, unless they’re athletic, they’ll have more body fat, which affects how many calories they burn while resting.
Women have less testosterone than men (men have seven to eight times more) so they can’t build muscle as easily. Testosterone is an anabolic steroid that promotes muscle growth. So, that means a woman would have to be a bodybuilder/steroid user to get as muscular as a man to burn fat, and most women don’t want to go that route.
Women’s hormones fluctuate a lot and some (about 5-10%) have a hormonal imbalance that makes it hard for them to lose weight. Women store fat in places like hips, butt and thighs because of their genetic need to nourish another human being during pregnancy. They gain weight during pregnancy and they gain weight during menopause.
Women also burn fat differently, and some experts say they crave more sugary and high fat foods than men do. They’re also more prone to eat for emotional reasons.
A lot of women who workout only do things like cardio workouts, aerobics, yoga, etc. They’re afraid of lifting weights or may only workout with light weights. They may be afraid of getting muscular, but studies have shown that using heavier weights will challenge their body and promote fat loss.
What is The Venus Factor 2.0?
The Secret Fat Burning Hormone Revealed
The Venus Factor is a 12 week fat loss system developed by John Barban. He’s a nutrition and fat loss specialist, exercise physiologist, certified personal trainer, and a best-selling author. He’s worked as a consultant for several supplement companies and created some of their brands.
The Venus Factor teaches you how to activate leptin, the “female fat loss hormone”. It’s not about restricting your food intake, but using food combinations, timing and portion control to control your hormones and accelerate fat loss.
Everything you need to do is laid out for you in a simple plan to follow. All you need to do is follow the plan and stay compliant. There’s no guesswork or thinking involved. Just put your full faith in the plan and go for it. You’ll be amazed at how fast your body transforms itself.
This system is based on a lot of science and clinical studies, and teaches you to eat the right foods which will activate the leptin fat loss hormone.
You’ll receive meal plans, a nutrition calculator, and a workout routine.
Are There Any Drawbacks?
Be patient! You do have to watch a video before ordering. It’s not super long and actually very interesting. About 10 minutes in you’ll start to see testimonials from women. You can pause the video to read the text from the testimonials, which came in the form of emails from literally hundreds of women. You’ll also see their before and after photos, which are very impressive.
25 minutes into the video, the ordering information will come on – so not too long of a wait, and you’ll also learn some good information.
You have to be consistent with this program to achieve success. Read and apply what you learn and don’t be haphazard about the process.
Is This Worth Buying?
Yes, definitely if you’re a woman who’s trying to lose weight. The price is less than a single session with a personal trainer.
This is a proven product that’s been a best seller for years. It’s been continually updated – it was first called The Venus Factor, then updated to Venus Factor Extreme, and updated again to The Venus Factor 2.0. It’s remained a bestseller, selling dozens of copies every month.
There are lots of success stories from women who’ve lost weight and gotten healthier and fitter. So, there’s plenty of social and visual proof. As mentioned above, the before and after photos and stories are very impressive.
Venus Factor 2.0 is covered by a 60-day money back guarantee. It’s reassuring to know that this is a risk-free purchase and you can always ask for a refund if you think it’s not for you.
This program also includes a “Venus Virtual Nutritionist Software App” – it’s compatible with any smartphone and automates everything, like counting calories, comparing statistics, etc.
You’ll also receive 2 Bonuses:
• A special book called “The Venus Factor Slim in 7 (days)”
• Venus Immersion – this is online access to the Venus Factor community. This is a community of other members who you can get motivation from. You have online access to a support forum where you can read inspirational stories, reviews, weight loss recipes, and tips.
Get “The Venus Factor 2.0” Now