The Answer To Your Money Problems Is Inside You
According to Live Science, humans only use about 8.2% of their DNA. The scientists call the other 92% of our DNA “Junk DNA”. Wealth DNA Code shows you that this so called “Junk DNA” isn’t really junk, but just DNA that hasn’t been activated.
Wealth DNA Code was developed by Alex Maxwell. Alex says he was broke for most of his adult life, much like a lot of people. He felt that life was like being on a hamster wheel. He tried things to achieve financial success, like selling Amway products.
Also like many of us, he worked 2 jobs a lot of the time to try and get ahead of the bills. One winter he couldn’t afford to buy his 5 year old daughter a birthday present, because the heating bill had to be paid.
Alex ended up meeting a man in a bar who had worked for NASA as a scientist. The man he met knew about a secret NASA experiment which showed how to activate the root chakra.
Root Chakra Meaning
In eastern traditions a chakra refers to an energy center in the body. The different chakras represent different spiritual characteristics. Your Root Chakra is your first chakra and it’s located at the base of the spine. This chakra gives you a sense of safety and security. It makes you feel grounded and able to supply your basic needs like food, shelter, and sleep.
The experiment Alex Maxwell’s friend knew about was the fact that you can activate your DNA. The bottom line to what Alex learned is that DNA is just a scientific term for the Chakras. Also, the Root Chakra is really the Money Chakra.
So, this means we possess “wealth DNA”. According to Wealth DNA Code, if you are able to activate your wealth DNA you will never have to worry about money again. The money will just flow into your life without effort.
Activating Wealth DNA Is Easier Than You Can Imagine
Way back in 570 BC a Greek Philosopher named Pythagoras was born. He developed the Pythagorean theorem which most of us should have learned in high school geometry. Pythagoras used to prescribe music as medicine and referred to it as “sacred geometry”.
Sound vibrations from music are able to activate our dormant DNA. If you can get your root chakra to vibrate at a high frequency instead of a low one, you’ll be able to attract wealth and abundance into your life.
Alex’s friend at the bar had some notes about a certain frequency that the music needs to be at to activate DNA, but they were written in code, which didn’t help much.
Alex had a nephew who was a military intelligence officer. His friend at the bar agreed to let him (the nephew) decode the notes. He came up with 2 specific numbers.
They arranged to have a sound engineer make up some audio tracks. Alex and Jim (his friend from the bar) each listened to one frequency for a few days but nothing happened. Then they got the bright idea to listen to both frequencies at the same time.
All three of them listened to both frequencies, but only one (the nephew) had any results. In fact, he got a huge promotion at his job, a big pay raise, and a window office in Hawaii!
The reason the nephew was the only one with results was because he was listening with headphones on. He was actually listening to a different frequency in each ear, instead of everything just coming from external speakers.
All three of them then started using headphones to listen to the sound frequencies. A few months later all of them had achieved tremendous wealth in very different ways, ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars!
You can read about the incredible ways they earned their fortunes here.
What Exactly is Wealth DNA Code?
It’s basically just an audio track that you listen to with headphones for 7 minutes a day. You follow your normal routine by getting up in the morning and having coffee and/or breakfast. Then you put on your headphones, press “PLAY” on you computer or smartphone. Listen to the two different frequencies at the same time for 7 minutes. Then just go about your day.
After that, simply let Wealth DNA do its thing.
Bonuses That Are Included:
FREE BONUS #1 – The Wealth Activator Code 30 Day Planner
This is a special planner to help guide you through the first 30 days after starting Wealth DNA Code. You should expect your life to change dramatically, so you want to be able to record what’s happening. This is because when things start to change in a big way, you want to keep track and manage what’s going on.
FREE BONUS #2 – Millionaires Seed Money
This is an interesting report that shows how millionaires attract large sums of money and then leverage that money into new business opportunities. This will have you growing your new found wealth even faster.
FREE BONUS #3 – 17 Traits of Wealthy Titans
After Alex Maxwell became wealthy he became interested in the habits of other wealthy people. He interviewed people from many different walks of life. He conducted dozens of interviews and found that all these wealthy people had 17 traits in common. So, he put them together in a report.
This program is very easy to follow, requiring only 7 minutes of listening per day.
3 bonus reports are also included to further boost your wealth.
The cost is very reasonable and affordable.
There is a 365 day money back guarantee.
This is a digital download, so you must have a computer, tablet/laptop, or a smartphone.
You need to listen to this program daily and allow some time for the process to work. You can’t skip any days. We recommend using over-the-ear headphones and listening in a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed or interrupted.
What kind of results are people getting from Wealth DNA Code?
Ashley, who lives in the northeastern United States, used to work as a nurse. When Covid came along there where a lot of restrictions placed on employees, including the wearing of masks. Trying to work with a mask on all day along with the stress of patients coming into the hospital who might have Covid, as well as employees who might have it, placed her under a kind of stress she had never been under before.
At about this time she was introduced to Wealth DNA Code. She started following the program. Practically out of nowhere she was asked to endorse a new nurse training program that a friend of hers’ had created. She ended up working from home and started collecting royalty checks for her efforts. Wealth DNA Code allowed her to end her stressful job and live a life of financial freedom.
Jackie, who lives in the far northeast United States, not far from Canada, was shown Wealth DNA Code by a friend. She was a hardworking teacher, but there was really no way to advance in her job. She said money started appearing in her life when she activated her wealth DNA. So much so that she quit her job and opened a private school for underprivileged kids.
Brandon, who lives in the upper midwestern United States, used to work as a line cook for a popular national restaurant chain. He started following the Wealth DNA Code. He knew what his chakras were, but he didn’t think that his root chakra was actually powerful enough to attract money into his life. Long story short – he now lives in Costa Rica and bought a house that overlooks the ocean.
Is This Worth Buying?
What have you got to lose by trying this program? The program is very reasonably priced. It’s been a best seller for some time. There are hundreds of satisfied customers, and many of them send in testimonials with stories like the ones above.
It comes with a 365 day money back guarantee, which is practically unheard of. Many digital products don’t have any kind of guarantee, because you’ve already downloaded it on to your computer. Alex has already made his fortune so he’s not trying to restrict anyone in any way. You have a full year to use this. If for some reason it doesn’t work for you, you’ll receive a no questions asked refund.
Are you a little undecided about ordering Wealth DNA Code?
We’ve arranged for our website visitors to get a FREE 31 PAGE PDF written by Alex Maxwell.
It’s full of information about freeing yourself from limiting beliefs and attracting abundance.