What do you think the most powerful force on earth is. It isn’t energy or love or money – it’s sound! Sound can be used as a warning, or it can even be used to torture. It can also be used to soothe, relax, make you want to dance, or change your mood in some other way.
Sound can also be used to manifest whatever you want in your life. You may have heard of the law of attraction. Many people relate this law to the popular movie The Secret. The movie is a very powerful documentary by Rhonda Byrne. She had several painful experiences in her life and did a lot of research to find The Secret. Then she was amazed to find many famous people throughout history knew this secret.
People like Albert Einstein, Ludwig van Beethoven (the great music composer), Plato (the ancient Greek philosopher), Sir Isaac Newton (English mathematician, physicist, and astronomer), William Shakespeare (the English playwright, poet and actor who was regarded by many as the greatest writer in the English language), Andrew Carnegie, considered one of the richest Americans in history, and many others.
The Secret is full of authors, entrepreneurs, doctors, philosophers and others who articulate how powerful the secret is and what it’s done for them. Just a few of the people in the movie are Bob Proctor, John Assaraf, Joe Vitale, and Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul and The Success Principles.
The movie started a global movement changing millions of lives. Later in 2006 Rhonda Byrne published a book, also called The Secret. The book has been translated into more than fifty languages. The publishing of the movie and book attracted the interest of media personalities like Oprah Winfrey, Larry King, and Ellen DeGeneres.
What is the secret? It’s the Law of Attraction. To put it very simply, it’s the idea that thoughts become things. Our thoughts have energy which will attract experiences into our lives that produce success.
How Are Binaural Beats Developed?
Binaural Beats are audio sounds that are most effective when played through headphones. The sounds are a combination of tones that create an auditory illusion. Through your headphones there are different pitches going into your left and right ears, but when these sounds are combined together, you’re in a three-dimensional sound field.
Binaural Beats were first discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove, a Prussian physicist and meteorologist. He discovered that slightly different frequencies played separately to each ear produced a sound which was the difference (mathematically) between the two frequencies.
In 1973, biophysicist Dr. Gerald Oster presented a paper in the Scientific American. He basically said that the beats had research value and were a potential diagnostic medical tool.
From the late 70s into the 90s more research was done that showed binaural beats could move the brain into certain frequency ranges. Tests revealed they could help induce low frequency brain activity, similar to that achieved by Buddhist monks during meditation.
Your brain processes what you hear in a special way. You’re listening to sounds in two different frequencies as if they were both in the same space. So, the auditory illusion is that while each ear receives a different frequency, your brain perceives them as one sound or “beat”.
Then your brain aligns with the frequency of this beat. This frequency is the difference in hertz (Hz) between the frequencies of the two tones. For example, if you are listening to a 400 Hz tone with your left ear and a 395 Hz tone with your right ear, you would be hearing a 5 Hz tone.
The frequencies are in five different brain waves. These are electrical signals in your brain that create thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Your brain waves can actually be measured with an EEG (electroencephalography) machine that is in most hospitals and some clinics. It does a non-invasive test that measures your brain waves via electrodes placed on your scalp.
These brain waves range from a low frequency to a high frequency and there are five different ones:
Delta: 0.5-4 Hz:
This is the lowest frequency and is linked to meditation, unconscious mind access, pain relief, healing, and deep sleep.
Theta: 4-8 Hz:
This frequency is linked to creativity, meditation, deep relaxation, and sleep.
Alpha: 8-14 Hz:
This frequency is linked to feelings of low stress, positive thinking, being relaxed, focused, and ready for learning.
Beta: 14-30 Hz:
This frequency is linked to concentration, alertness, energy, action, cognition (acquiring knowledge and understanding), and solving problems.
Gamma: 30-100 Hz:
This frequency is linked to memory recall, cognition, creativity, and attention to detail.
How Does the Law of Attraction Relate to Binaural Beats?
Whatever you’re trying to manifest in your life, whether it’s money, love, a job promotion, a better career, success in business, or a fit, muscular body, binaural beats will put you in the correct brain state to make your goals and dreams come true.
Jack Canfield, one of the contributors to The Secret book and movie said:
“The law of attraction states that whatever you focus on, think about, read about, and talk about intensely, you’re going to attract more of into your life.”
This basically means that like attracts like. If you’re in a relaxed meditative state and focus on positive thoughts and achieving abundance, you are more likely to attract abundance and prosperity into your life.
Many people don’t think that their minds and their thoughts don’t have any impact on what happens to them. The truth is that thoughts have energy and will affect your career, health, relationships, and other parts of your life.
Your thoughts are sending vibrations out into the universe. The universe will respond by giving you your custom made-to-order life plan and adventure. Your subconscious mind doesn’t discriminate. If doesn’t really evaluate and filter the negative from the positive.
In other words, if you’re thinking thoughts like “I’ll never get that job or promotion”, or “I’ll never be able to get healthy and fit”, well guess what? Not getting a job and not getting fit is exactly what will happen to you.
Spend 10-30 minutes a day listening to Binaural Beats Music, and while you are in a relaxed and meditative state, use your imagination to visualize your goals.
Meditation is a key to aligning yourself with the universal law of attraction. Meditating with binaural beats will allow you to shift your thought patterns to a better, higher frequency.
It allows you to get rid of negative emotions like fear, despair, anger, and regret, and replace them with super positive emotions like hope, success, gratitude, achievement, love, and joy.
“The world we have created is a product of our thinking.” Albert Einstein
In addition to thinking positive, affirmations are also important in activating the law of attraction and manifesting your goals. Affirmations are positive and motivating statements that you repeat to yourself, usually in the present tense, that will reinforce your beliefs and goals.
“I found that when you start thinking and saying what you really want then your mind automatically shifts and pulls you in that direction. And sometimes it can be that simple, just a little twist in vocabulary that illustrates your attitude and philosophy.” Jim Rohn
Jim Rohn was an American businessman, author, and motivational speaker. He was fortunate enough to be mentored by a man name Earl Shoaff who was president of a nutritional products company and offered Jim a job. Jim went on to make his first million by age 31.
He once gave a speech at a Rotary Club and people really liked his speaking style and charm. He started to receive more speaking invitations and embarked on another career as a very successful public speaker. Jim has also written dozens of books and all of them get very good reviews.
The Effectiveness of Affirmations
Lots of research has shown that affirmations can increase your well-being and help you achieve success. The affirmations encourage you to have a optimistic attitude, so you don’t think about or dwell on negative experiences.
Affirmations are phrases you can say out loud or in your head. A good idea is to write down phrases that you like on index cards. When you get up in the morning say them out loud. You could even make it a practice to write down your favorite phrases in your journal or planner once or twice a day. Here’s a sample list:
I am getting better and better every day.
I am confident.
I know I will achieve my goals.
I am motivated.
I am successful.
I can be whatever I want to be.
Today I choose to be positive and happy.
You can use some of these or make up your own that apply to your specific goals. Using these affirmations over a period of time, you’ll change the way you feel about yourself for the better.
Practicing the use of affirmations as well as listening to your Binaural Beats Music regularly, will reinforce the manifestation process and let you experience the power of the law of attraction in your life.
In case you are wondering, binaural beats are safe for most individuals to use. However, pregnant women, and those with a heart condition or history of seizures, should consult with their doctor first.
If you listen to binaural beats to get yourself in the right brainwave state, you’ll be able to visualize and focus on your dreams and goals much more clearly. This will cause the law of attraction to shift your subconscious thoughts and direct your life experiences to those of a successful person.
There are many different Binaural Beats music tracks available for specific subjects, like boosting learning ability, increasing confidence, becoming more creative, attracting love, relieving stress, and sleeping better. These tracks get great reviews and are available here.